Its been a couple weeks since I've posted, mainly due to the fact that my life has been somewhat boring because I hurt my back playing basketball two Saturdays ago. So, I spent most of last week trying to keep my feet up. On the bright side, it gave me an opportunity to get Imovie lessons from Vanessa, so keep your eyes out for some new videos. By far the most exciting thing that I did last week was watching my Redwings intense game 7 victory over the Ducks (sorry Brody). Speaking of my brother-in-laws, I was looking at some old pictures tonight and was reminded how some things never change. The story starts back in 2002 shortly after David died. I had just met Vanessa's family, was 21 and was left home with the boys as the responsible adult. Well, long story short we ended up having a rolled up newspaper fight and totally destroyed the entire house. Not really the best "First Impression." That started our eternal bond of horseplay and wrestling. Take these two picture below for example. The first was taken in Mexico shortly before Vanessa and I moved to China and the second was taken two months ago. The boys may have grown up some, but I'm still the top dog, in wrestling and in facial hair ;p

This past weekend Vanessa and I made the hard decision to let go of our apartment in China. It had sustained some damage in the earthquake last year and as a result was becoming difficult to sublet, and the landlord is wanting to raise the rent. We both feel a lot more peace about this than I would have expected. We feel that when Father opens the door for us to return He'll have the perfect place for us.
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