Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year

2010 is less than seven hours old and I'm already tired. Why? Well, apparently Lyla didn't get the memo telling children to wake up at 5 on Christmas morning and to sleep in on New Year's Day. She decided to reverse them. So, here I sit, thinking expectantly on the year ahead, reflecting on the year behind, a thinking about how I've been slacking at writing lately.
Of all the high profile deaths in 2009 I think the one that impacted/spoke to me the most was Chris Henry. Not because he was any more special than anyone else, but rather because of what was said of him after his death. Many said they didn't understand his death because he was in the process of getting his life on the "right path." To me it was a reminder of two things. First, tomorrow isn't promised. Second, getting your life "right" shouldn't be a long process. Getting your life right is simply an act of surrendering to God, accepting that it's only through His gift that we can ever be "right."
As I enter this new year, one of the things I'm trying to do is look at everything from a Kingdom viewpoint. As I've been writing/filming Americanned Dreams, the current series I've been doing for YWAM JAX, I find myself appalled when I look into the statistics. If you haven't seen these short episodes, check them out below.

Americanned Dreams, episode 1 from Aaron Herrema on Vimeo.

Americanned Dreams, episode 2 from Aaron Herrema on Vimeo.

Americanned Dreams Thanksgiving from Aaron Herrema on Vimeo.

Americanned Dreams #4 from Aaron Herrema on Vimeo.

Americanned Christmas from Aaron Herrema on Vimeo.